

Kidney disease can not stop the desire of our team food

: "Got kidney disease, no longer eloquent!"
: "Yes ah! So many good things can not eat ... ..."
blind! Say!
Although suffering from kidney disease on the diet is very demanding, but how can say that patients with kidney disease did not enjoy the opportunity to eat it? Choose a scientific and reasonable diet, not only allow the patients to eat delicious, do not worry about kidney disease will therefore relapse!
So, kidney disease patients can eat tempting food which have it? 

Yellow brazes chestnut chicken
Chestnuts with chicken is a wonderful choice for patients with kidney disease. Chestnut can kidney strong waist, spleen and stomach, but also has a certain swelling effect, can prevent high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and edema. The chicken is a good source of high quality protein in patients with kidney disease. Nephrotic patients are advised not to put too much salt and spices when doing this dish.
However, due to chestnut potassium, phosphorus more, so high phosphorus, hyperkalemia patients to control consumption.
Salad broccoli
Broccoli in the dilute salt water brewing, boiled boiled boiled with carrots Ding with mix food, is a very refreshing fresh dishes. Broccoli on the control of blood pressure, lower blood sugar has a significant effect, and its nutrients can even prevent renal failure often associated with heart failure. Carrots can improve the disease resistance of patients with kidney disease, add a wealth of vitamins, prevention of bone disease.
Brewing broccoli before the first break into a small flower, can rinse more fully to remove dirt residue.
Wood meat
This dish of the practice of all kinds of the most suitable for patients with kidney disease is eating fungus fried meat, kidney disease to meet the quality of protein, vitamins and dietary fiber needs. Fungus is kidney "black food", to alleviate the body has a very good effect of inflammation, while rich in iron, can prevent anemia.
Do this dish should pay attention to eggs do not put too much, it is best to put less egg yolk. Because the dishes have a lot of meat, and then put too much eggs are easy to intake of fat and cholesterol.
This three-course, but kidney disease patients with nourishing qi delicious! Practice is also very simple, we can search the Internet about recipes, so eat. Do not forget the less salt less oil ah! Delicious is still in, lips and teeth fragrance
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, kidney experts for your doubtsIf you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, kidney experts for your doubts




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