

Iron deficiency anemia

Anemia is the blood of hemoglobin, red blood cell count and other indicators lower than the same age and the lowest value of the same sex. Anemia is one of the most fundamental harm to health is the oxygen carrying capacity is low, affecting the function of the system to play, resulting in a series of common symptoms or signs:

Weak and tired;
2. skin, mucous membrane, nails, lips and other colors pale;
3. shortness of breath, palpitations;
4. dizziness, headache, tinnitus, vertigo, inattention, drowsiness and so on;
5. loss of appetite, abdominal flatulence, nausea, constipation and so on.

There are many causes of anemia, therefore, according to the etiology and pathogenesis, anemia can be divided into many types, such as iron deficiency anemia, giant cell anemia, aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, hemorrhagic anemia. But the most common, the most vulnerable, the most extensive object to be considered due to hematopoietic substances (such as iron, folic acid, etc.) caused by lack of iron deficiency anemia and giant cell anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is recognized in the world more serious, more widely one of the four major nutritional deficiencies. Especially in developing countries, the problem is even more serious. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) survey, about 10-30% of the world's population has varying degrees of iron deficiency. In the women of childbearing age (especially pregnant women) and infants and young children, the incidence of this anemia is high.

Iron deficiency anemia is a kind of nutritional anemia. Named iron deficiency anemia is mainly due to iron deficiency caused by anemia. Iron deficiency anemia can occur in the following cases:

1. Iron demand increased and inadequate intake. In fasting infants and young children, children and menorrhagia (women of childbearing age lose about 1.5 milligrams of iron per day on average), women in pregnancy or breastfeeding have increased iron requirements, and if iron deficiency is lost in diets Anemia;
2. Absorption of iron is bad. There are factors that affect iron absorption in food. Plant foods exist in the oxalate, phosphate, carbonate, phytate and iron can be combined to form a polymer, resulting in iron can not dissolve and precipitation, thereby greatly reducing the absorption of iron.
3. Blood loss. Blood loss is the most common iron deficiency anemia, the most important reason. Digestive tract of acute / chronic bleeding and other parts of the bleeding, such as hemorrhoids bleeding, women, menorrhagia and so can cause iron loss increased, leading to iron deficiency anemia.

Reference: http://forum.cnool.net/topic_show.jsp? Id = 307801 & oldpage = 24 & thesisid = 65 & flag = topic2

"Anemia" refers to the amount of red blood cells per unit volume of blood and hemoglobin content is lower than normal. Normal adult hemoglobin male for 12-16 g / 100 ml, women 11-15 g / 100 ml; red blood cells for men 400-55 million / cubic millimeter, women 350-500 million / cubic millimeter. Where the above indicators are anemia. Clinical manifestations of pale, accompanied by dizziness, fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath and other symptoms.

There are many causes of anemia: iron deficiency, bleeding, hemolysis, hematopoietic dysfunction and so on. Iron deficiency caused by hemoglobin synthesis caused by anemia called "iron deficiency anemia", found in malnutrition, a large number of small bleeding and hookworm growth; acute massive bleeding (such as stomach and duodenal ulcer disease, esophageal varices Rupture or trauma, etc.) caused by the "hemorrhagic anemia"; erythrocytes caused by excessive destruction of anemia called "hemolytic anemia", but rare; often accompanied by jaundice, known as "hemolytic jaundice"; lack of red blood cell maturation Factors caused by anemia called "giant erythrocyte anemia", the lack of folic acid or vitamin B12 caused by giant erythrocyte anemia, more common in infants and pregnant women long-term malnutrition; lack of internal factors of giant erythrocyte anemia called "malignant Anemia ", accompanied by gastric acid deficiency and spinal column, posterior atrophy, slow course; hematopoietic dysfunction caused by anemia called" aplastic anemia. "

Anemia symptoms are light and heavy, depending on the nature of the disease, blood loss for the body compensatory capacity.

Care points

◆ to the patient rich in nutrition and high calorie, high protein, multi-vitamin, rich in inorganic salts and diet, to help restore hematopoietic function.

◆ iron deficiency anemia can eat animal offal, such as heart, liver, kidney and beef, egg yolk, soybeans, spinach, red dates, black fungus and so on.

◆ giant erythrocyte anemia in the course of treatment may appear relatively iron deficiency phenomenon, pay attention to timely iron supplement.

◆ patients with aplastic anemia should pay attention to prevent cross-infection, try not to go to public places. Housing to be ventilated. Bogey of methicillin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, antipyretic paints and other drugs to inhibit bone marrow.

◆ avoid excessive fatigue, to ensure that sleep time.




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